
Besides the production environment, KeyToCheck offers a sandbox environment.

The sandbox is the exact copy of our production environment and it benefits from production updates synchronously. The only difference being that the sandbox is completely free. Thus, we highly recommend that you take advantage of this environment to develop your integration without the hassle to impact your production account.


The sandbox environment can be accessed freely and is completly free !

How can I access the sandbox ?

To access the sandbox, simply create your account here. A payment method is required to subscribre, no worries we got you covered, simply use the test credit card below (See Stripe documentation to know more about test payment methods).

4242 4242 4242 4242Any 3 digitsAny future date

This payment method can be used anytime you are asked for a credit card.

Environment comparison

App URLsandbox.keytocheck.comapp.keytocheck.com
API Endpointapisandbox.keytocheck.com/apiapi.keytocheck.com/api
Payment EnvironmentTest (free)Production
Max Subscription Duration90 days (1)No Limit
API Request RateNo Limit (2)No Limit (2)
Max PropertiesNo Limit (2)No Limit
Webhook Support

(1) You are automatically unsubscribed from KeyToCheck after 90 days. You can resubscribe for free if necessary.
(2) Subject to change without previous notice.